Saturday 15 March 2014

Discover Scuba Diving in Flamingo Spa

The pools are a balmy 32 degrees, there's fake palm trees, coloured lights, a café with wicker seats and diving equipment. No, we're not in Egypt, this is Flamingo Spa in Vantaa, the site for our DSD this week.

First time DSD Leader (me) picks up his customers from the reception and after a call for someone to open the doors we get inside. My three colleagues, Mika, Kenneth and Matz have agreed to be my guinea pigs for my first DSD lead :D

After the paperwork ( which I'll let participants handle in advance next time ) we go to the pool and put on our equipment, I go through how the regulator, BCD and mask work and we're off.

After getting used to the equipment for a bit and learning to control our buoyancy we go to the 4m pool below the jumping tower and practice equalizing ears.

Everything went smooth and we had fun, I hope you guys also enjoyed it as much as I did :)

Next week we have a fresh group of Baswareans to dive!


  1. I am searching this type of information on scuba diving mask This types of article on a particular topic boost the confidence of the users ..

  2. I am searching this type of information on scuba diving mask This types of article on a particular topic boost the confidence of the users ..
